Honey & Wax

Beekeepers holding a capped frame of honey

The Philadelphia Bee Co. specializes in seasonal, regional and specially sourced varietal honeys. All of our raw, unfiltered honey is produced from apiaries within city limits. Each year 10-15 apiary locations are selected across Philadelphia so that we can procure honey from every section of the city. Honey can be different from yard to yard, hive to hive and down to each individual frame. Our West Philadelphia Spring honey may be a water white, while our Old City Fall may be black as pitch.

2024 Bee yards list. Honey is typically harvested the first week of July.


You can look at our labels to see what region of the city the apiary is located in. If you are looking for the closest yard to where you live, we also provide the nearest cross street. Since bees usually fly up to 1.5 miles to find flowers, we've provided the nearest zip codes that fall within each apiary's foraging ground.